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Tord och Tord
Tord and Tord

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

One day, Tord accidently walks into the apartment next to his own. Another person named Tord lives there, he has just moved in. Tord and Tord spend time with each other.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Tord och Tord

    Directed by: Niki LINDROTH VON BAHR

    Country: Sweden

    Year of production: 2010

    Running time: 10 min 44 s

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: puppets

    Version: Version originale suédoise sous-titrée anglais

    Process: Colour

    Target public: All audiences

  • Credits

    Directed by: Niki LINDROTH VON BAHR

    Production: Niki LINDROTH VON BAHR

    Distribution: Niki LINDROTH VON BAHR

    Artistic direction: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Script: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Graphics: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Storyboard: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Layout: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Sets: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Animation: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Camera: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Compositing: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Music: Erkki-Sven Tüür

    Sound: Hans Appelqvist

    Editing: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr

    Voice: Thomas Tidholm