Sery volk end krasnaïa chapotchka
The Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

The big bad wolf is even more voracious than in Charles Perrault's story. He also sings to an air of "Mack the Knife" and Granma to "La Vie en rose". Little Red Riding Hood takes him to Paris where he meets a host of characters straight out of Soviet and American cartoons.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Sery volk end krasnaïa chapotchka

    Directed by: Garri BARDINE

    Country: Russia

    Year of production: 1990

    Running time: 26 min

  • Technique


    Techniques used: puppets, clay

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Garri BARDINE


    Distribution: ARKEION FILMS, Monique GAILHARD

    Artistic direction: Garri Bardine

    Script: Garri Bardine

    Graphics: Arkadi Melik-Sarkissian

    Animation: Lidia Maïatnikova, Irina Sobinova-Kassil, Natalia Fedossova

    Camera: Vadim Proudnikov, Valeri Stroukov, Sergueï Khlebnikov

    Music: "Compilation"

    Sound: Vladimir Vinogradov, Sergueï Karpov

    Voice: Armen Djigarkhanian, Eda Ouroussova, Garri Bardine, Svetlana Steptchenko, E. Razinova, V. Vinogradov