La Sacoche perdue
The Lost Bag

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A merchant leaves his bag full of gold in a church. A bourgeois finds it and sets about finding its owner.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: La Sacoche perdue

    Directed by: Jean-Luc GRÉCO, Catherine BUFFAT

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2006

    Running time: 13 min

  • Technique

    Category: Short film

    Techniques used: puppets

    Process: Colour

    Target public: All audiences

  • Credits

    Directed by: Jean-Luc GRÉCO, Catherine BUFFAT

    Production: LES FILMS À CARREAUX, Laurent POUVARET


    Based on: Un fabliau tiré d'un sermon prêché vers 1260

    Script: Jean-Luc Gréco

    Graphics: Jean-Luc Gréco, Catherine Buffat

    Storyboard: Jean-Luc Gréco, Catherine Buffat

    Sets: Jean-Luc Gréco, Catherine Buffat

    Animation: Jean-Luc Gréco, Catherine Buffat, Gilles Coirier, Marjolaine Parot

    Camera: Jean-Pierre Chalinger

    Music: Alexis Pecharman

    Sound: Marie Denizot

    Editing: Nathalie Pat

    Voice: Lionel Monnier, Michel Parot