20th June 2015
The International Animation Film Market (Mifa), which took place in Annecy from 17th to 19th June, has affirmed its status as world leader and its unique role as an exchange platform for the animation industry.
27th April 2015
Producer Salma Hayek called on 9 of the biggest names in animation to work on the film and will be in Annecy for the premiere of The Prophet at the Festival’s opening ceremony on Monday 15th June.
19th March 2015
Amazing discoveries in store for the 39th Festival! Work in Progress, Masterclasses, Conferences and more. A programme to discover ASAP!
3rd March 2015
The International Animation Film Festival, Annecy 2015 unmasked with its official poster created by Regina Pessoa.
A woman, shadows, red, yellow, textures... we are taken into the graphic world of this filmmaker for this year's poster.
23rd February 2015
For the Festival 2015, we will be screening a sneak preview of the latest production from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, MINIONS (3D). We will also be welcoming Chris Meledandri, founder and CEO of Illumination Entertainment.
13th February 2015
The world of animation also has its feminine side, and this is why the Annecy International Animation Film Festival has decided to give the ladies top billing in 2015, with an all-female jury, the poster created by a well-known artist, programmes made by women directors...
6th February 2015
Annecy 2015 will be welcoming Richard Williams who will be visiting to present The Thief and the Cobbler.
19th December 2014
Women are set to be the stars of Annecy 2015. For the Mifa, 2015 has a particular significance as the Market will be blowing out its thirty candles.