In a forest during a snow storm, a postman finds abandoned baby Charlie clutching a mysterious sleigh bell. As Charlie grows up in an orphanage he wonders where he has come from until one day he and his friend the postman deliver children's letters to Father Christmas and the mystery is revealed.
Original title: L'Enfant au grelot
Directed by: Jacques-Rémy GIRERD
Country: France
Year of production: 1997
Running time: 26 min
Techniques used: drawing on cels
Process: Colour
Directed by: Jacques-Rémy GIRERD
Production: FOLIMAGE, Patrick EVENO, Jacques-Rémy GIRERD
Based on: Jacques-Rémy Girerd
Script: Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Benoît Chieux, Damien Louche-Pelissier
Graphics: Benoît Chieux, Damien Louche-Pelissier
Storyboard: Iouri Tcherenkov
Layout: Iouri Tcherenkov
Sets: Benoît Chieux
Animation: Jacques-Rémy Girerd
Camera: Patrick Tallaron
Music: Serge Besset
Sound: Loïc Burkardt
Editing: Hervé Guichard
Voice: Pierre-Henri Dutron, Pierre Saphores, Jean-Paul Racodon