We Only Get One Planet

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A passenger is eating on the back seat of a moving car. He throws his rubbish out of the car window. This rubbish is collected, along with all the other rubbish that has been thrown out onto the road.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: We Only Get One Planet

    Directed by: Aghil HOSSEINIAN

    Country: Iran

    Year of production: 2019

    Running time: 01 min 12 s

  • Technique

    Category: Advertising film

    Techniques used: animated objects, pixilation

    Version: Without dialogue or commentary

    Process: Colour

    Target public: Adults, Family, Young adults

  • Credits

    Directed by: Aghil HOSSEINIAN

    Production: Aghil HOSSEINIAN, Mahmoud FADAVI

    Artistic direction: Mahmood Fadavi

    Storyboard: Aghil Hesseinian

    Sets: Mahmood Fadavi

    Animation: Aghil Hosseinian Nasab, Sogol Sanagoo

    Camera: Aghil Hosseinian Nasab

    Music: Abbas Hosseeinian Nasab

    Sound: Aghil Hosseinian Nasab

    Editing: Aghil Hosseinian Nasab