Patrick Eveno (CEO), Marcel Jean (Artistic Director), Laure Baudillon (Management Assistant), Céline Meurier (Management Assistant), Lenka Bajbarova and Agathe Favre (Receptionists)
Martine Jamme (Accountant), Charline Girod (Accounts Assistant, Training Secretary)
Daniel Bouillot (Head of Training & Research)
Laurence Thibault (Head of Hospitality), Véronique Combe (Volonteers and Trainees Manager), Raphaël Cahuzac (Accreditations), Alexia Vendetti (Database & Accreditation), Clara Doucet and Agathe Mazzarino (Protocole), Marie Brillant (Ticket Service Annecy 2014), Perrine Tenenbaum (Transport), Roxanne Perreard (Hospitality), Fabrice Combet and Coline Creton (Hospitality Theatre, Décavision), Marie Perrault (Guest Hospitality Hostess)
Laurent Million (Head of Films and Programme Planning), Yves Nougarède (Films and Programme Planning Manager), Sébastien Sperer (Films and Programme Planning Manager), Lucile Philippe (Secretary), Adrien Da Costa (Festival Boutique @ bdfugue)
Mickaël Marin (Head of Economic Development and Mifa), Véronique Encrenaz (Head of Projects, Mifa), Marine Leparc (Head of Projects, Mifa), Frécilia Zambaux (Mifa Assistant), Marion Scordia, Bastien Tavernier, Margot Patissier, Anne-Sophie Collomb (Mifa), André Lee Seung-wook (Representative for South Korea, Amito), Cedric Biscay (Representative for Japan, Shibuya International Co., Ltd.), Anand Gurnani (Representative for India and Southeast India), Heather Kenyon (Representative for USA)
Christelle Rony (Head of Forum Blanc & Professional Meetings), Déborah Forsans (Forum Blanc & Professional Meetings Assistant), René Broca (Editorial Writer), Christian Jacquemart (Conferences Editorial Writer), Dimitri Granovski (WIP Moderator)
Peggy Thabuis (Private Partnerships Manager), Marie Montalescot (Private Partnerships)
Judith Cristofaro (Head of Communication and Media Partners), Laëtitia Socquet (Communication and Media Partners Manager), Marion Golliet (Web Editor), Alexandra Farcy (Webmaster), Laurence Ythier (Head of Media Relations and Special Operations), Virginie Blanchet (Media Relations and Special Operations Assistant), Valeria Ciezar and Stéphane Ribola (Broadcast Media Support), Cléo Fauchon (Press Relations and Special Operations), Sophie Matter (Picture Editor), Estelle Jeannet (Photo Library)
Martine Souliman (Head of Publications), Maryse Berger (Head of Projects, DTP), Marie-Aline Putz-Perrier (Editor), Annah Tiprez (Editor), Nathalie Guillaumond (Proofreader, Translator), Laura Zorloni (Proofreader), Myriam LeBouthillier (Proofreader), Corinne Denis (Translator, Proofreader), Miranda Calhoon (Translator), Hélène Giraud (Graphic Designer), Julie Belluteau (Computer Graphics Designer), Charlène Monce (Computer Graphics)
Jérémy Clerc (Head of Information Systems), Benjamin Château (Systems and Network Administrator), Cédric Cuz (Developer Webmaster), Sébastien Pattier (Developer), Margot Nadot (Multimedia Designer), Thomas Hiron (Multimedia Designer), Coralie Voisin (Video)
Romain Courtine (Head of Logistics), Jordan Court, Margot Lenoir, Emmanuel Pierre (Logistics)
Not forgetting all the volunteers and temporary workers who joined the Annecy 2014 Team.