

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

Aleksandr the knitter has long forgotten the reason why he lives suspended above the clouds.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Aleksandr

    Directed by: Rémy DEREUX, Maxime HIBON, Juliette KLAUSER, Raphaëlle RANSON, Louise SEYNHAEVE

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2010

    Running time: 05 min 20 s

  • Technique

    Category: Graduation film

    Techniques used: 2D/3D computer

    Process: Colour

  • Credits

    Directed by: Rémy DEREUX, Maxime HIBON, Juliette KLAUSER, Raphaëlle RANSON, Louise SEYNHAEVE


    Distribution: PREMIUM FILMS, Annabel SEBAG

    Artistic direction: Rémy Dereux, Maxime Hibon, Juliette Klauser, Raphaëlle Ranson, Louise Seynhaeve

    Script: Rémy Dereux, Maxime Hibon, Juliette Klauser, Raphaëlle Ranson, Louise Seynhaeve