2010 Official Selection, film index

Le pourquoi du comment

Le pourquoi du comment "Qui dort dîne"

  1. Overview
  2. Fact Sheet

A look at the origins of diction and proverbs. Bruno Salomone's lively tone offers a unique light on linguistics.

The film

  • Film identity

    Original title: Le pourquoi du comment "Qui dort dîne"

    Directed by: Alexandre OSMOZE BRAKHA

    Country: France

    Year of production: 2009

    Running time: 01 min 23 s × 52 episodes

  • Technique

    Category: TV serie

    Techniques used: rotoscope, 2D computer, photos

    Version: Version originale française

    Process: Colour

    Target public: All audiences

  • Credits

    Directed by: Alexandre OSMOZE BRAKHA

    Production: Xavier FAUTHOUX

    Based on: "Le Pourquoi des choses", Anne Pouget

    Artistic direction: Xavier Fauthoux

    Graphics: Julie Pla

    Layout: Nathalie Paire

    Sets: Julie Pla

    Animation: David Poulain

    Compositing: Nathalie Paire

    Music: L'Oreille Cassée

    Voice: Bruno Salomone