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Mifa 2020 "Online"

The Mifa will greet you on 15th to 30th June with an entire online programme. The key words of this very unique edition will be exchanges, discoveries, meetings, networking and of course, negotiations and acquisitions!

Come on in, we’re open!

Since announcing an online version of the Annecy Festival and its Market, the Mifa, an entire team has been busy preparing a 2020 edition that reflects all the richness, creativity, originality, specificity and profusion of the audiovisual and cinematographic production of animation works.

Writers, producers, buyers and studios continue working so we can discover the next animation successes. Audiovisual production is facing a huge demand for content, which was already significant before the outbreak of Covid-19, and is intensifying all the more during this period of confinement.

In order to support animation professionals across the world and to contribute to the sector’s good health, the Mifa has prepared a 2020 edition rich in content and meetings. Let’s keep our good habits and meet up on 15th June 2020! From 6th May you can get your accreditations and start filling your diary with numerous screenings and meetings that we are in the process of setting up for you:

Stands Virtual Stands
Build your profile and meet professionals from other countries, either individually or reunited delegations such as Japan, China, Malaysia, Belgium, Chile, Russia, Argentina, Mexico, United Kingdom, South Africa, and more, and talk live with them via the live-chat.
More info

pitchs Mifa Pitches / Comics Mifa Pitches (new) / Territory Focus Pitching
Take a one-to-one meeting with over 80 project leaders. There are: 38 projects as part of the Mifa Pitches and more than 30 projects in the Pitching – Territory Focus. Coming from: Latin America (La Liga), South East Asia (Southeast Asia Focus 2020), Japan, Russia and Africa.

ShareW Share With Sessions
Check out the list of buyers and, at the end of May, reserve a spot with the head buyers from the main channels, platforms and distribution companies (Hop !, Cartoon Network, Tencent, ZDF, France Télévisions, YLE, Super RTL, etc.).

MifaCampus Mifa Campus
Event just for students and young talents combining technology with creation the artists’ points of view (Juan Pablo Zaramella; Disney, Nickelodeon, etc.) and guidance towards the working world (assistance with creation, behind the scenes of an animation studio, employment market overview, all via the CNC, RECA (list of animation schools), SVA (sound, video, animation, etc.).
Open access, Tuesday 16th June (then available on replay).
UNITY, official partner

Meet Meet the…
Attend meetings aimed at festival programmers (NYC Children Film Festival, Ottawa, Cinekid, Biaf, etc.), composers (in partnership with Sacem) and book publishers (in partnership with SCELF).

Territory Focus Industry Territory Focus
Come and discover co-production opportunities with China, Japan, and others.

Vidéothèque Video Library
Producers, benefit from a viewing space for your finished content or a project. Registrations start on 18th May (1 Mifa accreditation = 3 films in the video library). Buyers don’t miss viewing before, during and after the Annecy Online, all the content is made available in this space from May 2020 to March 2021.

confpresse Press Conferences
Live Q&A sessions organised, discover all the latest news from the main channels/platforms/professional organisations, such as France Télévisions (presentation of their animation line up), the M6 Group (the M6 Group and children’s animation), the SPFA and Digital Lab Africa, and more.

MSE Mifa Special Events
Tune in and appreciate the institutions’ talks. On the programme: European Film Forum ("The Audiovisual Sector in a Post-Pandemic World: Focus on Animation"), Unifrance and many more.
Women In Animation and Les Femmes s’Animent will also be presenting a conference.

"We look forward to welcoming the many professionals and talents from around the world. Together let’s make this Mifa 2020 online edition rich with meetings, exchanges, discoveries and of course acquisitions!"

Véronique Encrenaz, Head of Mifa

See you from 15th to 30th June!

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