A series with a difference designed to appeal to computer literate "Kios" of all ages.Reboot follows the adventures of Bob, the super-hero computerqprite who fights chaos and evil viruses inthe city of Mainframe.
When Megabyte invades the Principle Office by hiding in a File Upgrade Command, Bob, Dot and Phong find themselves trapped inside the Office Armor with the virus. As Megabyte drains Phong's memory banks and threatens to take over Mainframe, Bob and Dot must try and defeat him on their own.
Original title: Reboot
Directed by: Dick ZONDAG
Country: Canada
Year of production: 1996
Running time: 22 min 30 s × 39 episodes
Techniques used: 3D computer
Process: Colour
Directed by: Dick ZONDAG
Production: MAINFRAME STUDIOS, Christopher BROUGH
Script: Borycki Martin
Animation: Blair Gavin, Mitchel Phil
Music: Buckley Robert
Sound: Duperreault Marcel
Editing: Shane Dermot
Voice: Donovan Michael